One of the joys of working in a big corporate environment is the use of a Web proxy server for connection to the Internet. When provisioning a virtual machine with Vagrant and Ansible, this means that sometimes the VM has to go through the proxy and sometimes it doesn’t. I’d rather this was as seamless a transition as possible. The solution I came up with can be extended to other cases where different Ansible behavior is needed at different times.
The first step is to configure Ansible to use the environment variable. This
is done using the environment
attribute on a task in a playbook. For
example, a task to update an Ubuntu box looks like this:
- name: update
apt: upgrade=yes
environment: proxy_env
The proxy_env
variable could be declared in a vars
section within the
Ansible playbook. But it’s more flexible to pass it through from the
Vagrantfile. This means a provisioning section like this:
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = {
proxy_env: {
http_proxy: proxy
This in turn sets the http_proxy
to a proxy
variable in the Vagrantfile.
The proxy
variable is set elsewhere in the Vagrantfile, like this:
proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ""
So if the http_proxy
environment variable is set on the host, it will be set
in the Vagrantfile, which will cause it to be passed to Ansible, which will
cause Ansible to set it in the VM before it runs the apt-get update