tldrDevOps tools are great for teams, but they are great for one-person efforts too. A basic knowledge of Vagrant and Ansible makes it much easier to create and maintain custom development environments./tldr
I’ve been a user of various Atlassian tools for several years, and have developed a couple plugins along the way to make things easier. Atlassian has a substantial SDK with toolkit available for use, but since I use Maven every day for work, I’m very sensitive to anything that wants to add new Maven configuration to my everyday machine, even as a separate set of commands and configuration file. So I did what I always do in this case, which is to drop it into a virtual machine.
The big change for me over the past couple years has been the transition to Vagrant and to DevOps tools like Puppet and Ansible. Before, I would make a VM for a purpose, and try to keep it around forever, eventually archiving it to an OVA and saving it somewhere. Now, a few kilobytes of description, and I can re-create the VM from scratch whenever I need it. Besides the disk space savings, I find I forget less about how I set things up, because I know that any permanent change needs to be in a config file.
For my Atlassian SDK VM, I used this Vagrantfile:
layout: post
title: "-*- mode: ruby -*-"
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category: articles
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layout: post
title: "vi: set ft=ruby :"
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proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ""
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "ubuntu/vivid64"
config.vm.hostname = "atlassian"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = 4096
vb.cpus = 4
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = {
proxy_env: {
http_proxy: proxy
end "forwarded_port", guest: 1990, host: 1990,
auto_correct: true
config.vm.synced_folder "~", "/host"
This is for developing a Confluence plugin, and I test it by running Confluence in the VM. Since it shows up on port 1990, I can easily use my normal browser if the port is forwarded. Also, making my host home directory available on the VM makes it easier to run Eclipse in the host but do the full compile and run inside the VM.
Vagrant delegates to Ansible for the provisioning. The Ansible playbook looks like this:
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
- name: update
apt: upgrade=yes
environment: proxy_env
- name: install openjdk
apt: name=openjdk-8-jdk state=present
environment: proxy_env
- name: apt over https
apt: name=apt-transport-https
environment: proxy_env
- name: atlassian apt key
apt_key: id=B07804338C015B73
- name: install atlassian repo
apt_repository: repo='deb stable contrib'
environment: proxy_env
- name: install atlassian sdk
apt: name=atlassian-plugin-sdk update_cache=yes
environment: proxy_env
Using this setup, I was able to have an Atlassian plugin development environment set up in under an hour, to the extent of having a basic plugin show up inside a running copy of Confluence. And despite the fact that I’ve since destroyed that VM to save disk space, I’m confident that I could get it back in around 15 minutes to pick up where I left off.