My fellow Zone Leader Sam Atkinson wrote an excellent article on Beautiful Constructors. While I definitely agree that the constructors in his article are beautiful, I wasn’t as sure that his prescriptions could be universally applied. He graciously allowed me to use his piece as a springboard for a counterpoint, in the hope of some good discussion. Of course, the opinions in this article are my own.
The style of design Sam describes seems to me to work best for a collaborator class. I’m not as convinced it’s the right approach for a library class. Here’s what I mean.
In any well-designed, modular program, we have more structure than just “a bunch of objects that call each other”. Classes are part of a larger group and work together within that group to accomplish some discrete function for the overall program. Ideally, there are very few points where these larger groups reach outside the group and interact with other groups. This concept is called “low coupling, high cohesion” or controlling “interface width”.
At its best, this design style means that even in a large application, we have just a few classes that are the entry point for each of these modules we’ve defined. These are our collaborators: as far as other modules are concerned they represent the whole behavior of the module, hiding the implementation details. The whole thing is like the interaction of the Great Powers in the Concert of Europe: each collaborator agrees to stay out of the internal affairs of the others and to respect their territory.
Collaborators shouldn’t expose their internal state to other collaborators; it’s their job to keep that hidden. Also, collaborators should not be handling possible “null” values for other collaborators, because knowing what to do in the case some other Great Power is missing typically requires knowing a lot about what that Great Power does, which breaks encapsulation. Finally, collaborators should not generally throw exceptions from their constructor (except in the case of fatal programming errors) because they are expected to handle exceptional conditions themselves and not propagate them to other collaborators. Great Powers suppress their own rebellions.
So I am definitely a fan of simple constructors for a collaborator (with a simple non-null assertion so we fail fast):
public class Austria {
private final Prussia prussia;
private final France france;
public Austria(Prussia prussia, France france) {
Assert.notNull(prussia, france);
this.prussia = prussia;
this.france = france;
The non-null assertion above is from Spring; if you’re not already using Spring don’t bring it in just for that assertion. (As an aside, I think that bringing in a chain of dependencies to get one simple function should forever be known as “leftpadding”.)
Of course, if all the collaborators depend on each other, we can’t strictly use constructors, because we end up with a circular dependency issue. But in a lot of cases the dependencies between well-designed collaborators end up mostly being acyclic because there is some natural ordering in the application.
Library Classes
By contrast, I don’t think this style of constructor is always the right one for library classes. By library class, I mean a class that may be an entry point to multiple classes of functionality, but is not at the level of a collaborator because it serves too specific of a purpose. Often this purpose is technology-specific rather than application-specific. Some examples will help to illustrate the difference.
When I saw Sam’s suggestion to avoid complex constructors and instead have a
separate init method, one counter-example that jumped into my head is that
well-known library class from Java network programming,
client = new Socket("localhost", 12345);
Socket definitely has some complex logic in the constructor, which can throw
either UnknownHostException
or the more generic IOException
. The constructor
actually makes the socket connection!
To me this makes perfect sense semantically, and thinking about “why” helped me to understand what I think is the important difference between collaborators and library classes. By throwing an exception from the constructor, this class is saying:
- I exist solely to wrap a socket connection
- If I don’t connect successfully, you don’t have a “Socket”
This seems like exactly the right set of semantics for a socket class. I only
wish this class went one step further and eliminated the “unconnected” constructors
and the “connect” public method. A better example might be FileOutputStream
outStream = new FileOutputStream("temp.txt");
This class does not have a public “open” method, so the only way to get an instance of this class is to successfully open a file, and the only way to reopen a closed file is to make a new instance. That seems exactly right because it suggests the right behavior, which is to keep this object around only for as long as it is needed to write to the file. So this class is implicitly saying:
- I exist solely to wrap an open file
- If I can’t open the file, you don’t have a file output stream
- Once you close me, my instance cannot be used and should be discarded
That’s some impressive semantic richness that we get just by throwing exceptions from the constructor and not having a public “init” or “open” method. Note that all of this is in the Javadoc, but we didn’t need the Javadoc, because we could infer it from the available methods and their signatures. That is the best kind of documentation.
Null Values
So how about null values? Can I make a case for using them sometimes? Possibly. I really, really like the design pattern that Sam suggests, which is to have a no-op implementation of the interface that can be used as a “default” by users of the class that don’t need the behavior.
But I don’t think it can be applied universally. I’m not sure what the “no-op”
implementation of a transaction is; it seems dangerous to lead users to think
they have a transaction when they don’t have one. And often, what we require
is not a transaction but a TransactionManager
; not a connection but a
. I’m not sure what a no-op implementation of either of
those would look like.
This gets back to the distinction I made between collaborators and library classes. A collaborator has to combine behavior from many things, but it does it in the context of one application. A library class does one thing, but it does it in the context of many different applications. With library classes, it’s pretty much inherent that you want your functionality to be usable in a wide variety of contexts, which means you wind up writing code that says, “I’ll use a transaction manager if you give me one, but I won’t fail if you don’t”.
Hopefully I’ve added to the conversation here. I think there’s a lot of value in thinking about topics like this, so I’m very grateful to Sam for his article and I’m looking forward to reading his next, whether in reply to this one or on some other topic. Mostly, I think as developers we need to cultivate an aesthetic sense of what good design is, because it makes it easier to “see” good design when we don’t have to stop to reason through it at each step. But the only way to cultivate that aesthetic sense of design is to make arguments about “what makes design good” and then try to back it up with examples.