Suggested Zone: Java
TLDR: Why do we argue so much about which way is simpler?
I was reading Niklaus Wirth’s On the Design of Programming Languages and was struck by his discussion of simplicity. It appeared to me to apply to a number of concepts in architecture and design beyond just programming languages, and even to explain why we so often disagree about design choices.
One of the key insights of his paper is that there are multiple kinds of simplicity. He gives the example of generalizing all of the different data types into untyped values. He points out that this simplicity through generality makes it easier to write compilers, but shifts the onus to the programmer to make sure that type-less values are used correctly. So it’s really a tradeoff of one kind of simplicity for another.
Of course this debate has continued right down to the present day, with Java on one side, JavaScript on the other, and Python somewhere in the middle. However, perhaps because we’ve had this debate for so long, we no longer talk about it in terms of simplicity; we talk in terms of safety or tractability.
But this way of thinking reminded me of another debate that’s very live in the Java community, the debate about frameworks. Interestingly, both sides talk in terms of simplicity. The pro-framework side talks about how simple it is to create code that accomplishes significant function, while the other side talks about how our code is simpler to understand and debug without all the framework under the covers.
You see this kind of debate in numerous areas in Java. It was one of the original arguments behind the shift from SOAP to REST in web services (although the framework side managed to make REST frameworks). It’s a major argument behind whether Java annotations are good or bad (since the use of annotations pretty much necessitates some framework to find those annotations and do something intelligent with them). And it’s definitely present in the discussion over Object Relational Mapping (ORM) using Hibernate versus writing SQL directly or using an API like jOOQ.
In debates like these, where it appears that people are talking past each other, it usually means that there is some disagreement of terminology. (In contrast, the debate over type safety seems much less contentious, because both sides agree what values are at stake and the only disagreement is about the relative importance of those values. It’s much easier to “agree to disagree” over ranking of values.)
It took me reading Wirth’s paper to realize that the disagreement of terminology is about “simplicity”. A little searching will show people saying that they are choosing the Java Persistence API (JPA) “for simplicity”, but the jOOQ user manual says that “heavy mappers” hide the simplicity of relational data. Clearly both sides can’t be using the term simplicity in the same way.
I think one way to describe the two sides is “simplicity of abstraction” and “simplicity of structure”. On the ORM side, you have an abstraction of data that has a very simple programming interface. You store your data in the objects you have, the Entity Manager API has relatively few methods, of which you mostly only use persist() and find(), and when you write queries you use the property names of your objects and mostly ignore the underlying table structure. The abstraction of the ORM reduces the number of concepts and languages floating around, resulting in a simpler implementation.
On the jOOQ side, or writing SQL directly in a Database Access Object (DAO), there is a clear connection between the code being written and the communication with the database. If something is wrong with a query, it is simple to find the code that runs it and perform debugging. If something is wrong with the code that reads the result set and populates objects, it is simple to know where that code is and fix it. Nothing is hidden; the structure is visible and simple.
Deciding which of these is better is probably best left to the individual system and use case. But it’s worth noting that the tradeoff is shades of gray, not black and white. jOOQ provides a fluent API that abstracts SQL somewhat, and even writing SQL directly in a DAO leverages Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to do the actual database communication. JDBC is an abstraction on top of a low level network protocol, and SQL itself is an abstraction on top of database storage. On the ORM side, besides the ability to “createNativeQuery()” that jumps down to the SQL level, even regular queries are a nod to having a simpler structure at the cost of a full abstraction. Query documents like those found in MongoDB, where a model object is created and used to match items in the database, is arguably more abstract even than Entity Query Lanaguage (EQL) because it bypasses a query language entirely in favor of an object-based query.
We can have a similar discussion about using or not using Java annotations. On one side we have the “simplicity of representation”, where an annotated Java class declares its behavior briefly, allowing focus on the business rules the code is implementing. On the other side we have the “simplicity of flow” where what part of the code calls what other part is clearly known.
In neither case are we likely to convince anyone to change their views on which one is “simpler”. But hopefully we’ve learned that it’s necessary to ask, “Simpler in what way?”